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or ExitBlue Borage honey from the Clarence Valley Marlborough
A family history of beekeeping and mead making passed down the generations
rediscovering the potential and quality of true authentic mead making
An old hexagon hut located on our family property provides the inspiration for the carefully crafted mead we bring to you. Generations have loved its charm and rough hewn simplicity set among the hum of our home apiary.
"The Hexagon" was the heart and spirit of freedom for commune dwellers in the 1970s when from simple materials at hand, it was built with love and hope in a simpler world. The hexagonal cells of the honeycomb provided the blueprint for its construction.
Mountainhoney has been involved in beekeeping for more than 50 years; over this time our beekeepers have dabbled in mead, making their own special brews and sharing it with friends. There is the legend of Archie Hislop's famous mead barrel making a trip on a jigger in the dead of night then bottled and hidden in a cold local stream.
Jim Godfrey produced a bottle of 27 year old mead from his secret cellar; made from blue borage honey, it had mellowed into a delicious drink to rival the best aged wine.
Our story is full of a true pioneering spirit. Our mead is a tribute to the old beekeepers now gone, who enjoyed a dram and reflected on the industry of the wonderful bee. - "enjoyed with gladness and happiness of heart".
$60.00 NZD
Alpenblend Mead 2018 Alpenblend is a reference to ‘alpenglow’ the morning and evening light on...
Sold Out
The inspiration for this mead came from a dark honey recipe of 1593. Three honey's...